Sell Your Company

Selling your business is a complex and time-consuming process. There are many factors to consider, from finding the right buyer to negotiating the best price. But with the help of our proprietary Artificial Intelligence (AI), you can now sell your business faster and for more.

The significance of data in M&A transactions is contingent upon the unique particulars of each deal. The data provided in the form below will be used for our AI System to identify and vet potential buyers, conducting due diligence, and providing valuable insight for negotiating deals.

Filling up the form with the most accurate and up-to-date information will help assure a more on-target match with a potential of resulting in a higher evaluation and a better, higher offer.

M&A - SELL Your Company

Basic Company Information

Executive/Owner Contact or M&A Point of Contact

This information will serve as our means of communication with you.

Information about the company

The information below is the bare minimum required to begin evaluating your company. Please fill in the requested data with the most accurate and up-to-date information.

Current Financial Data (Most recent quarter)

Yearly Revenue, Total Debt,  Early Expenses, Number of Customers, Marketing Cost, Change Turnover to Yearly Turnover Rate and the cell should be in percentage, not USD.

Operational Data (By product)

If your company produces or sells products, please list your top 3 and provide the requested information per-product. For services or other industries, please use the notes field to describe your company's services, related profits, customers and marketing costs/strategies.

Product #1

Product #2

Product #3

Regulatory Data

Many industries have specifics that impact the products and services, adding risk or offering edge advantages for certain companies. Please, let us know which ones below apply to your company.

Intellectual Property Data

Maybe the most important differentiator from your company against the competition, and possibly some of the highly valuable ingredients of your success. Please, list all that may apply with the most amount of details you can provide.

Human Capital Data

Your Company's Team may bring an important competitive edge and value to your organization, but also may add overhead buyers will want to consider.

Extra Information

In this field you can add anything about your company, may describe the reasons you want to sell it, what are your expectations, goals, and anything else that may be relevant to the acquisition transaction.

DISCLAIMER: By submitting this form you agree that 1) you are the authorized person to retain and provide this information; 2) that the provided information is true and accurate to the best of your abilities; 3) you understand and agree that either in whole or in part the provided information will be used to evaluate your company and businesses, may be shared with partners in associates for this sole purpose, and will be added to our AI System as data, and some non-identifiable information may remain in the system for statistics purposes. AI:M&A guarantees full compliance with the US Laws in relation to the retention of companies' data and we abide by the high standards to not retain customers' private data being the time when it is necessary for the process of M&A evaluation.

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